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It has been a long time for the USB-to-serial port. This article is going to talk about using a serial comm port to make a hardware connection, and what's involved with making this connection. This article will also mention any other use of serial ports, and doesn't really mean that you can't use it as just an input or output device. The whole point of the article is to touch on how it works for your projects as well as what's involved in making such a connection. The first thing we're going to talk about is how you're supposed to connect up your device at all so that you can get something out of doing it yourself. There are many ways to do this, but one of the simplest is using a USB-to-serial port. These are actually fairly common nowadays, and they only cost about 5 to 10 dollars at any local department store. It all starts with the converter box. There are many types of these on the market, but most of them are fairly similar in design. The main terminal usually has a male DB-9 connector that you connect up to your computer for data transfers, and then there is also a female DB-9 connector so that you can connect your project up for output or input as well if needed. The converter can be a very simple one that has a couple of LED's that blink on and off, or it can be a lot more sophisticated. For example, there are some that allow you to hook up cables for analog voltages with the same unit, and others have very fast interfaces for many different kinds of communication protocols without having to make changes in the software. There are also some cheap converters that only have one or two pins in them, but they are likely to be too slow when dealing with serial communication, so I will not mention them here. The main thing is that they are cheap enough to get you started if you're not too concerned about the signal quality or speed. But, as I said before, the real point of this article is to show you how your devices work. So, let's start talking about how to go about using a converter and making a serial connection between our project and the computer. The first thing we need to do is set up our software so we can talk to the converter. There are several different programs that you can use with the converters, and most of them allow you to write data to it just like normal text files do on your computer. There could be times when this isn't what you need, but by default most converters will write out all type of data that your computer normally uses as an input or output device for it. So, let's go ahead and setup our converter so that we can write data to it. The simplest way to do this is just to w i t c h your converter until you see something that looks like a cursor in the box at the bottom. This is the command prompt. Now, when you start typing it will tell you what keystrokes are available for what commands. The default ones are generally pretty much self-explanatory though, so I will not cover any of these here in detail, but they are worth looking at if you're interested in learning more about them or playing around with them. So, let's move on to getting data into our converter. cfa1e77820